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DataCentrix (Pty) Ltd.

Datacentrix enables digitalisation success. Datacentrix is an integrated ICT solutions provider that uses leading technologies to deliver sustainable value to corporate and public sector organisations in Africa and the Middle East. Our specialist teams leverage the power of information and communications technologies to connect, transform, improve and future-proof business. We support our clients throughout their digital journey.


Region Africa
Product focus BPM - Basic Workflow - Accounts Payable;CEM - Portal;ECM - Content Lifecycle Management;BPM - BPMSuite - MBPM;BPM - Dynamic Case Mgmt (Case360);CEM - Semantic Navigation;BPM - Accounts Payable;CEM - Customer Communications Management;BPM - BPMSuite - Process360;BPM - Ent Arch & Bus Process Analysis;BPM - High Volume Imagining and Workflow;BPM - Windows Imaging;CEM - Digital Asset Management;CEM - Mobility;CEM - Social Media;CEM - WCM - Web Experience Management;CEM - WCM - Web Site Management;ECM - eMail Solutions;ECM - Enterprise Archive;ECM - Learning Management;ECM - Mobile Solutions;ECM - Captiva;ECM - Capture & Recognition;ECM - InfoArchive;ECM - LEAP;ECM - Clinical Archiving;ECM - Documentum Platform;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Healthcare;ECM - Document Sciences;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Energy & Engineering;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Lifesciences;ECM - Kazeon;BPM - Smart Process Applications;CEM - Exstream;BPM - Cordys;CEM - TeleForm;CEM - LiquidOffice;CEM - MediaBin;CEM - Qfiniti;CEM - TeamSite;ECO - SAP - Archiving;ECO - SAP - Digital Asset Management;ECO - SAP - Document Access;ECO - SAP - Document Presentment;ECO - SAP - Employee File Management;ECO - SAP - Extended ECM;ECO - SAP - Invoice Capture Center;ECO - SAP - Invoice Management;ECO - SAP - Travel Receipts Management;ECM - PIXEL;BPM - Basic Workflow - Int Doc Mgmt;BPM - Basic Workflow - Records & Docs;BPM - Basic Workflow - Trans Cont Mgmt;ECO - SAP - Portal Content/Site Managemt;ECM - OpenText Application Content Management
Type of partnership Services;Reseller;Support;Cloud Reseller - OT Hosted
Industry focus Insurance;Manufacturing;Retail;Telecommunications;Utilities;Professional Services;Public Sector
Partner level Platinum

Products and Services Overview

As a Platinum Partner, Datacentrix offers the fullest range of services and support, licensing and training, delivery and post-implementation assistance across the full range of OpenText products. We enhance our technical prowess with proven delivery success, integration with other technology landscapes and with a core focus on the human experience, ensuring that desired business impact is achieved through changed behaviour.

Corporate Address

Corporate Park North 238 Roan Crescent, Old PretoriaRoad, Midrand PO Box 50722

+27 11 741 5000