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FabSoft, Inc.

FabSoft specializes in streamlining workflow through intelligent document distribution and enhancement. FabSoft's products are compatible with virtually all operating systems, applications and devices. These solutions have been integral in successfully improving productivity and efficiency in organizations of various sizes. With over 25,000 installations globally, FabSoft solutions has been successfully implemented into the daily operations of various businesses over the world.


Region US
Product focus BN - F&DD - RightFax;BN - F&DD - Alchemy
Type of partnership Technology
Industry focus Financial Services;Insurance;Legal;Manufacturing;Education;Computer Software;Engineering & Construction;Healthcare;Professional Services
Partner level Silver

Products and Services Overview

FabSoft specializes in streamlining document workflow through intelligent document distribution and automation process, with a full library of products that are compatible with all operating systems, applications and devices. Our solutions range from VDP to bar-coding and OMR / Bubble Sheets. All of our solutions are scalable to reach the largest corporations to small to medium size businesses.

Corporate Address

150 River Road

(973) 767-2100