Industry Solutions

Industrial Manufacturing

Get resilient supply chains with cloud-based B2B integration


See how Information Management transforms manufacturers into intelligent and connected enterprises

Industrial Manufacturing companies need to develop automated smart factory capabilities to remain competitive. Driven by Industry 4.0, manufacturers are monetizing product performance data and providing enhanced business solutions for customers. Industrial Manufacturing automation solutions enable organizations to accelerate innovation, optimize operations and mitigate security risks.

Key Industrial Manufacturing solutions


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    • Operational efficiencies and productivity

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    • Supply chain optimization

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    CNH Industrial Expands B2B Capabilities on a Global Scale

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    PG Group reduces costs and improves SAP performance with OpenText

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    SMS group improves engineer productivity with OpenText

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    Information flows freely for pump manufacturer

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    Cree Lighting enables innovation with critical integration capabilities from OpenText

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    Industrial Manufacturing resources

    4 ways to drive value from safe-workplace playbooks

    View the infographic

    3 ways remote access boosts manufacturing agility and resilience

    Read the eBook

    5 advantages of using analytics in manufacturing

    Read the eBook

    Manufacturers unite: Driving safe operations, together

    Read the blog

    Why e-Invoicing has become a global superhero

    Read the blog

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